Monday 29 July 2013

New Star Wars Game! Say Goodbye To Your Social Life.

It's official.

DICE(the makers of the popular Battlefield series of first-person-shooter games), have announced, in conjunction with EA, that they are working on a Star Wars-based online FPS! Yes, you heard me right.........a Battlefield-type online shooter set in the Star Wars universe! Take my money, take it NOW!

The short trailer you just watched(hopefully), was released to the public at E3 earlier this year. Immediately after it was shown, the crowd cheered and whooped like the pathetic Star Wars nerds they are - I did too.

Very little is known about this upcoming game, so allow me to speculate on what I think would be good.

1. Very few Jedi and Sith. A Jedi or a Sith should be something very rare and special, like they are in the Star Wars films/books.

2. Vehicles, obviously. All the weird vehicles from Star Wars; X-Wings, Tie Fighters, Star Destroyers, even that weird circular thing that General Grievous rode in Episode III.

3. Massive battles. Dozens and dozens of people running around online. Laser beams filling up the entire screen at times would be good.

4. And finally, George Lucas must stay at least 500 miles from the developer's studio/workplace. Lucas cannot have anything to do with this game whatsoever, or else I'll have to do something unspeakable. If George Lucas so much as touches the building where this game is developed, I will dress up as Darth Vader and just stand outside George's house and follow him silently to the shops or the dentists!

Can't wait to shoot Yoda with a blaster pistol? Me neither.

If you haven't heard the news of this game yet, I'm so sorry for now keeping you awake all night. You'll be having nightmares where you're being chased by a group of Tusken Raiders while you're only wearing your underpants. Or worse, you'll dream that you're stuck in an elevator with Jar Jar Binks. Arrrrghh!

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