Wednesday 26 June 2013

Marijuana is illegal, but Alcohol and Tobacco is Legal?!

It is an absolute mystery to why Marijuana is illegal, while alcohol and tobacco are completely legal. If the "Government" is really concerned with our health and safety, then why is marijuana illegal? Why is alcohol and tobacco still legal, even though both drugs(alcohol and tobacco) kill more people than all other drugs combined, each year?

I genuinely cannot explain why marijuana is illegal, while the MOST harmful drugs known to man are easily attained, is a fucking mystery to me!

Now, don't get me wrong. I've never smoked marijuana, and I don't really intend to smoke it. But, it is among the most harmless drugs known to man. Alcohol and tobacco, on the other hand, have killed many thousands of people this year alone!

If anybody knows exactly why marijuana is illegal, rather than beer and cigarettes, please tell me in the comments...........I'm desperate to know!

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