Tuesday 18 June 2013

Twitter for twat-ters?

Twitter, for those of you who don't know, which is NOBODY, is essentially a website you can join up to, and consequently spend all your free time telling everybody who you think is "following" you what kind of boring, inane things you do in your day to day life.

"I just did a poo. A long one, too"

"Starbucks coffee, I swear, is the work of God"

"Trying my best to get into work without having to walk through the cluster of gross smokers outside the building"

"Bieber is such a stupid little girly boy"

"I'll be on Minecraft tonight, join my server for fun block building times" 

Now, all of the above statements seem harmless, don't they?

Wrong!........probably, let me explain.

My theory is that Twitter, with its unshakeable 140 character rule, is actually a very subtle tool constructed by God knows who, possibly the government or the corporations that control the government, as a means of crushing dissent........articulate dissent in particular.

Whenever there's a revolution going on in the world, Tunisia and Libya are prime examples, Twitter was praised by the media as being instrumental in the revolution itself. Hundreds of thousands of unhappy revolutionaries apparently were spurred on and then encouraged others to join in the revolution via Twitter. Obviously this is completely true, to a certain extent. Below are my reasons for believing that Twitter may not be all that useful in certain circumstances and downright stupid in others.

1. via Twitter you do occasionally get the odd link to an interesting website or article(a website or article that doesn't restrict itself to 140 CHARACTERS!

2. It could possibly be a good way to keep in touch with friends and family, even though Facebook is far superior in that regard.

3. It allows damaged people to believe that they've got genuine "followers". Jesus complex much?

4. If you're the type of person who enjoys short, sharp one liner jokes, then Twitter is right up your alley.

1. 140 characters doesn't really represent a well thought out point or argument.

2. Twitter is the perfect medium for bullies. It allows such stupid people to vent their pathetic anger in short bursts of one or two sentences.

3. It has become a trend. And all trends will one day, die. The day will come, if it hasn't already, when NOT being on Twitter will be as ostracising as being a crack head. This is death for Twitter, as people will start to naturally rebel, Twitter's members will drop in number, and *poof* the little blue birdie will get sucked into a jet engine and die almost instantly.

4. As I said before, the government and their goon friends can access your Tweets and take them completely out of context, because of the 140 character limit. Leaving you being water boarded at Guantanamo Bay.

You can use Twitter all you want, but don't complain when you stop enjoying your Twitter experience. You only had yourself to blame.


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